How To Make Coconut Wax Candles At Home

  • By: Candle Crowd
  • Time to read: 14 min.

If you’re like me, then you love scented candles. They make any room smell great and create a relaxing atmosphere. But what’s even better than just burning a candle is making your own! Have you ever tried to make candles before? Coconut oil has been around for centuries, so it’s no surprise that coconut meat would find its way into the process of making coconut wax candles. These candles are the natural and eco-friendly alternative to traditional candles that you can use in daily life and aromatherapy.

Coconut candles are popular because they are easy to work with and produce a long-lasting flame. It is usually mixed with different waxes to make candles with better burn quality and fragrance flow. Also, they smell amazing and have a unique look.

Coconut wax candles also last for a long time – up to 100 hours or more! Coconut wax has been gaining popularity as people become increasingly aware of its benefits and become less concerned about environmental impact. And, today we will go over why coconut wax should be your choice when you make DIY coconut wax candles at home.

Coconut wax candles vs. soy wax and other natural wax candles – which one is better?

coconut wax candles; coconut wax; natural wax candles; homemade scented candles; coconut vs soy wax candles
Photo by Liana Horodetska from Pexels

When it comes to choosing a candle, there are many factors to consider. But one of the most important decisions is what type of candle wax you should use. Coconut wax and soy wax are two popular types of wax used in candles today.

So, which is better? That depends on your needs and preferences. Let's jump into the breakdown of each type of wax candle:

Coconut wax candles:

Coconut wax candles are made from pure, natural coconut oil. It has a strong and vibrant scent that can fill a room. They are perfect for people who enjoy aromatherapy. Coconut wax, however, is odorless. Coconut wax has a flashing white color. So, if you’re into colorful candles, you can easily dye the coconut wax and create wonderful colored candles.

Candles made from coconut wax burn cleanly compared to other waxes. It produces less soot, meaning you don’t have to worry about cleaning your surfaces.

The coconut wax burns slower, thus producing long-lasting and strongly scented candles. It blends perfectly with other natural, harder waxes.

Love your scented candles and THE PLANET? Coconut wax candles are non-toxic and eco-friendly because, as I said before, coconut wax emits no smoke and is soot-free.

Moving to the other waxes, you might have heard of candle-making recipes here or on YouTube. The most popular ones are soy wax, paraffin wax, and palm wax.

Soy wax candles:

Soy wax candles are made from soybean oil – a vegetable wax. It is budget-friendly and is mostly used to make container candles.

It has a more subtle scent. Soy wax candle burns cleanly and produces little to no soot. Soy candles keep their shape and color when burned. They are non-toxic and eco-friendly.

Coconut wax candles tend to lose their color over time and turn yellowish in appearance. Soy wax is thicker than coconut wax, making it difficult for soy candles to burn evenly (soy candle wicks often need trimming).

Paraffin wax candles:

Paraffin wax is derived from, as we all know, petroleum by-products. It is relatively cheaper than all other waxes.

Most of the commercially available candles are made from paraffin wax because it has different melting points. This means you can use paraffin wax for any type of candle, such as pillars, tapers, container candles, etc.

Paraffin candles can hold onto scent strongly. However, it burns quickly, so you will often have to buy more candles.

Paraffin wax candles often produce a lot of soot. It is the least environmentally friendly wax of all. So if you’re eco-conscious, you’ll want to stay away from this wax, no matter how affordable it is.

Palm wax candles:

Palm wax is obtained from palm oil. It was once considered to be a sustainable alternative to paraffin wax. But because of the high global demand for palm products, a major chunk of palm oil is now produced either synthetically or unsustainably.

Palm wax is a firm and almost brittle kind of wax.

It has the same burning quality as paraffin wax.

It is perfect for making pillars and votive candles.

So, which is the best type of wax for candles?

The right choice of wax depends on what matters to you most. For some people, it is affordability and availability, while others are more inclined toward the ability of wax to hold scent and the physical finish it gives to a candle.

If you are looking for a strong-scented candle that burns cleanly and produces little to no soot, then coconut wax or palm wax are the better options. But, if eco-friendliness and non-toxic nature are your preferences, then soy wax is the better option. And, when the price is a concern, then paraffin wax is the best option.

However, almost all natural waxes available on the market are actually blended with paraffin. So, buy only from a trusted retailer.

Coconut wax is too soft for making coconut wax candles:

You cannot use 100% natural coconut wax to make your candles, as coconut wax is exceptionally soft. You need to add a harder wax. Paraffin wax is the best option for this, but not sustainable. Alternatively, you can use soy wax, beeswax, or another type of natural wax.

The ratio for adding the hardener is one part coconut wax to two parts hardening wax. Since the melting temperature of coconut oil is low, your candles will tend to melt quickly.

Or, you can select a commercial coconut wax with the highest content of coconut wax.

coconut wax candles; coconut wax; natural wax candles; homemade scented candles; coconut vs soy wax candles
Photo by Dana Tentis from Pexels

What Are Wax Blends?

While we are talking about blended candles or wax blends, just know that many different types of wax blends are available. Candle waxes are mixed to make the best of each other in burn time and strong scent throw.

For example, palm wax is the best option if you want to make candles of good burning quality. Soy wax is another great option. You can also mix coconut wax with beeswax, but soy wax is a better choice because it burns cleaner and has a longer burning time. At the end of the day, it depends on what qualities you want in your candles.

Blends are usually labeled according to the proportions of the constituent waxes. Any wax blend containing 51% or more coconut wax is labeled as a coconut wax blend. Coconut wax blend might be pricey, but it is totally worth it, considering the candle’s burn time and scent quality.

Why should you make homemade coconut wax candles?

Candles made of coconut wax are trendy and, for a good reason, coconut wax is one of the most incredible types of wax for making candles.

Making coconut wax candles at home is easy and fun. The process isn’t too different from making soy wax candles, but coconut wax has some great features that will keep you coming back for it!

Coconut wax is an all-natural and renewable resource, so you can feel good about using this eco-friendly alternative and helping Mother Nature.

It is popular for its smooth and creamy appearance; not only this, it has an excellent fragrance throw.

Coconut oil is readily available and affordable as well. It has great antibacterial properties that make for clean-burning candles with no toxins from the wick or flame.

Candles scented with essential oils will last longer in coconut wax.

Let’s go ahead and see what factors make these candles unique.

Pros and Cons of coconut wax candles:

Natural waxes like coconut wax and other types of natural wax have gained popularity over time, but they don’t always work well for making candles. It is necessary to make sure before investing in any wax that it will be right for your needs. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of coconut wax candles.

The pros of coconut wax candles:


Coconut wax candles are stunningly beautiful. Their color ranges from pure white to cream color. One fringe benefit is that you don’t have to dye them to enhance their elegance. It can be used as a substitute for natural colorants that might not hold up to waxes with yellow tints (such as yellow beeswax).


There will be no trace of burning coconut because this wax is odorless. So you’ll not have to worry about the coconut scent if you are not a fan of how coconut smells. Additionally, this quality makes it perfect for adding your favorite scents without hindrance.


Coconut wax candles burn for longer than most paraffin candles and paraffin wax blends, providing the owner with a strong scent throw. You won’t go through coconut wax candles as quickly as you will paraffin ones, despite their high price.

Easy to use:

Coconut wax candles exhibit soft peaks at any pouring temperature and do not glare or bloom. If the top appears uneven, you will not have to be worried about re-pouring it.

Excellent jar adhesion:

Coconut wax candles adhere well to glass jars, and, unlike beeswax candles or soy candles, there is no need to pre-heat them.

Environmentally friendly:

Many people have been shunning candles because of concerns about health and the environment because of things like paraffin and palm wax. There are several eco-friendly and sustainable options on the market, but coconut wax is possibly the most eco-friendly compared to other types of candles. Coconut wax candles burn the purest. They emit almost zero carbon black particles, and they don’t emit carcinogens into the environment where they burn.

The cons of coconut wax candles:

As with all things, coconut wax has its downsides; some of these may be a deal-breaker for you, depending on your candle-making style and interests!

The biggest con of coconut wax isn’t so much because of the wax itself, but because of the lack of transparency from manufacturers and the tricky language they use (and sometimes outright lies).

Coconut wax is a hot commodity among “all-natural” candle makers, but there’s one problem – lack of education and too much reliance on manufacturers. Unfortunately, you need more knowledge in this industry and be very cautious about new sources and products.

Pure coconut wax is hard to find for many reasons. This wax is costly, not practical for shipping candles, and most coconut wax on the market is made up of some blend.

However, that doesn’t mean all coconut wax blends are sour!

Now let’s talk about coconut wax’s biggest con:

The melting point of coconut wax candles.

The coconut wax has a lower melting point than most waxes and is very soft. As a result, they can be tricky to ship, especially during the summer months. When a coconut wax candle is in transit, a little summer heat can ruin it.

In that case, coconut wax is usually blended with other waxes like beeswax, soy, or paraffin wax to be stabilized and prevent them from melting so quickly. The first two are fine if you are only looking for candles made with safe and natural ingredients. But you don’t want paraffin blended with coconut, which happens far more often than it should.

Research on the company you’re buying from, swift through reviews, speak with experienced maker friends, and look for recommendations, and get in touch with the manufacturer to get the highest quality coconut wax or wax blends only.

Different types of coconut wax candles.

The last hoodwink is that you’re confined to what types of candles you can make.

Coconut wax cannot be used for taper, pillar, or other free-standing candles. The wax is far too soft for these applications.

For free-standing candles, you’re more fortunate looking at beeswax or other similar blends that hold up better to heat. While it can have an aromatic scent, beeswax makes great wax for pillar candles or carving projects.

coconut wax candles; coconut wax; natural wax candles; homemade scented candles; coconut vs soy wax candles

Making coconut wax candles at home

It seems simple enough, doesn’t it? You’re wrong. Candle making is as much an art as it is a science. It is necessary to plan a smoother workflow when you make your coconut wax candles at home. Either you are using candle-making kits or making them from scratch. It is good to think about a few things before making candles at home.

Prepare your space

There must be a proper space for candle making where you can melt your wax, assemble your mold and dry out your candles. You will need a spacious room with proper ventilation and a large working tablet. It will just look like a candle maker workshop where you can also store your items for candle making.

Research for suppliers

After that, find a candle-making supplier in your area. Candle-making kits can usually be available online when you simply type candle-making suppliers near your area on your browser, then order your coconut wax and other materials required for the procedure.

Prepare your ingredients

Once you find a supplier near your area, it is time to list the items you need for candle-making before you order or go to the merchant. The list will be coming by shortly. Knowledge about your measurements of all the ingredients you will be using for your candles is also important.

Before starting your candle-making process, it would be a good idea to measure out your wax and other ingredients.

You can experiment with your candle recipe in the future as you learn how your ingredients behave and as you develop your tastes and preferences.

Prepare your tools and equipment.

When you’re getting ready to pour, the last thing you want is to realize that you don’t have a candle wick when you mix your ingredients. Make sure that your containers and pots are all in place and ready for use before you start. You can purchase all of your candle-making tools in the store of your candle-making supplier, just like the ingredients.

Safeguarding gear

You will need to keep yourself safe when handling or pouring hot candle wax. A pair of gloves would prove beneficial. Wear a face mask when you are dealing with fragrances. It will help you if you are allergic to a specific smell. Keep your workspace mess-free to avoid any spills or accidents.

Start creating your candles!

Finally, you can now start the actual candle-making procedure. Lay down all the equipment and measure out correctly all the ingredients according to the size of the batch you’re going to make. These are usually pre-measured for you if you are using a candle-making kit.

Start the process by measuring dry and wet ingredients, putting them in separate containers, and labeling them. This avoids mistakes like adding too many fragrances or other ingredients in the batch. Melt the ingredients, add them into a melting pot, and mix them properly when you are ready.

Coconut wax candles making supplies & equipment needed:

  1. Coconut candle wax
  2. Lavender essential oil
  3. Greaseproof paper
  4. Butter knife and a scissors
  5. Silicon or wooden spoon
  6. A clean melting pot
  7. A thermometer
  8. A double boiler
  9. Candle wicks and wick holders
  10. Straws, clothespins, or chopsticks
  11. A long spout pouring jug
  12. Double-sided tape

The step-by-step guide to making coconut wax candles:

Step 1: Start with melting the wax and setting the candle wick.

You must gather all the supplies and equipment required before starting the candle-making process.

You will need a clean wax melting pot with a solid bottom and side pourer to melt the coconut wax. Before starting the melting process, apply some newspapers to catch any spills.

The next important task for making coconut wax candles is finding a perfect wick. Not all wicks are ideal for coconut wax blends, as some burn too quickly or hot. Candlemakers usually recommend High-performance, unique paraffin candle wicks( HPSP wicks ) for working with coconut wax. These wicks are the perfect pair for soy-coconut waxes.

Additionally, you will need some double-sided tape to stick some candle wicks to the lower part of the jar. To avoid the risk of accidental fire, make sure the tape must not be larger than the size of the wick. To ensure excellent adhesion, press down by using a butter knife.

After you have centered the candle wicks in the jars, place them on top of the newspaper, as well.

Step 2: Add fragrance oil to the melted wax.

Melt the wax and keep stirring to help in uniform melting. The temperature range should be 65-75 degrees C. Take it off the stove and allow it to cool.

Use a wax safe thermometer to ensure that wax temperature should remain somewhere between 48-52 degrees C. This is the ideal temperature for adding fragrances to the wax melt.

It is compulsory to have a good knowledge about which oil to use for your fragrance. Some candle-making kits are already packed with oils, which can be a great starting point. Make sure you measure correctly to ensure your candle has the right amount of fragrance.

Now add your selected essential oil carefully to the melted wax and make sure it will mix well through all the wax. Approximately eight to ten percent of the wax’s weight should contain fragrance oils.

coconut wax candles; coconut wax; natural wax candles; homemade scented candles; coconut vs soy wax candles
Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Step 3: Transfer the wax into the jar.

Ensure the temperature of wax should be between 40 and 46 degrees C by using a thermometer. Carefully transfer the melted wax into the jar without allowing it to spill or splash.

The best way to achieve optimal results is to pour the wax until the jar is almost 80% full. Let it cool to semi-solidity, and then pour the rest.

Leave about 1/2 inches around the lip of the jar after pouring wax into it.

Step 4: Let the wax solidify.

Coconut wax will thicken right away, so you should avoid stirring the jar until it has set solid. You notice that wax becomes white as it is solidified.

Leave the candle to solidify for at least 3-4 hours in most cases. Preferably, trim the candle wick 6 hours later to ensure it will not disturb the top of the candle.

If you want to trim the wick, try trimming it about 1.5 cm above the wax level using a pair of scissors. In this way, you will leave just enough space to light the candles afterward. Avoid trimming the candle wick any shorter than this because it will cause a smaller flame. However, if the candle flickers or smokes when you light it, you may need to trim the wick a bit more and light it again.

Step 5: Decorate your jars and enjoy your candles.

You must allow your coconut wax candles to cure for a while before burning them.

However, 2-3 days is usually a reasonable timeframe, regardless of the type of fragrance used.

To fully personalize your candles, you could add some decorative stones or gems to the lids of the jars. Keep your candle lit for at least three hours or until the entire surface melts during the first burn.

Candle burning tips:

Here are some top tips for burning candles that we highly recommend you take time and go through all these candle safety tips.

  • To avoid overheating and smoking, trim your wick 3mm before each lighting.
  • Always take precautionary measures to protect the surface on which you place your candles.
  • Elongate the first burn of the entire candle so that the top layer of wax completely liquefy; this will ensure even burning.
  • Avoid burning candles longer than 3 hours at a time and never burn candles when wax at the base left 1cm.
  • Never leave candles unattended, especially in a house where children and pets live.
  • Allow cooling the wax completely before handling as the candle jar will be hot after burning.
  • Make sure the wick is upright when you extinguish the candle.

Perfection comes from practice!

Don’t give up if you get everything right the first time, particularly when making candles. It’s okay if your wick appears to be off-center or too thin. If it doesn’t give off enough fragrance, if it’s tunneling, and the list goes on – everything is fine. Even following the instructions on your candle-making kit will not suffice, and watching tutorials or taking a candle-making class can only help you so much. It will take a lot of practice and experimentation to create the perfect candle recipe.

candle scents for every room; perfect candle scent; scented candles; candle aromatherapy

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